At the CSYC, our objectives are to:

Hold symposiums, lectures, workshops, meetings, and conferences.

Conduct research and studies and issuing publications in this field.

Cooperate with the mass media to raise awareness and run public campaigns on awareness and run public campaigns on issues of interest to youth and childhood.

Organize competitions stimulate you8th interesting various fields.

Arrange for leadership skills seminars in various areas around the kingdom.

Sponsor information technology training documentation and library sciences.

Participate in conferences meetings and cooperating with local, Arab and international organizations interested in youth and childhood.

Coordinate with NGO`S, schools, colleges, institutions and universities to establish a network of youth in Jordan.

Initiate filed trips focusing on the environment establish by scout teams, little leagues teams and others.

Coordinate meetings of youth groups with decision-makers in the local governments, NGO`S and others.

Create an interactive Web site for Jordanian youth to discuss issues of concern.