The Cultural Society for youth and Childhood

The Cultural Society for youth and Childhood (CSYC) was established in July 1996, by a group of young and enthusiastic professionals whom representing various sectors of the Jordanian community.
The Cultural Society for youth and Childhood (CSYC) was established in July 1996, by a group of young and enthusiastic professionals whom representing various sectors of the Jordanian community.
Draw attention and interest to childhood and youth through awareness and appreciation of issues of proper citizenship, community building, the teaching of the Jordanian constitution, and the respect for law and authority.
Develop innovation and leadership skills and encourage group work.
Identify and support gifted students and advance scientific work.
Encourage the participation of youth in the development of their nation.
Open channels of communication between Jordanian youth and youth worldwide.
Raise environmental awareness and develop environmental protection education among youth.
Host cultural, scientific, and educational programs to encourage interaction among the various youth within the Jordanian community.
Offer training workshops on issues of civil society and civic education.